Photo of Hebert-Beirne, Jeni

Jeni Hebert-Beirne, PhD, MPH


Community Health Sciences

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers


Building & Room:



1603 W. Taylor St.

Office Phone:

(312) 355-0887

Office Hours

Office Hours Thurs 2-3 or by appointment - Spring 2025
Thursday 02:00pm – 03:00pm


Jeni Hebert-Beirne is a Professor of Community Health Sciences. A community-based participatory researcher (CBPR), she emphasizes qualitative research to promote health equity and justice with an emphasis on Chicago community areas. Her community-engaged scholarship focuses on the lived experience of those most impacted by structural drivers of health inequities. She is the founder and inaugural Director of the Collaboratory for Health Justice (CHJ)and former Associate Dean for Community Engagement. She is the faulty lead of the National Institutes of Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) funded UIC Center for Healthy Work Greater Lawndale Healthy Work Project which takes a CBPR approach to addressing the impact of precarious work on community health in North Lawndale and Little Village. Dr. Hebert-Beirne is a co-investigator and Community Engagement Core Co-lead in the Chicago Center for Health and the Environment. She is site Principal Investigator of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) NIDDK-funded Prevention of  Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) national Research Consortium where she brings community engaged research and qualitative research expertise to the exploration of determinants of women and adolescent bladder health. She works closely with many Chicago community-based organizations including and is a UIC representative on the Partnership for a Healthy Chicago. She is co-PI of the Chicago Chicago Community Health Response Corps, the city of Chicago's hyperlocal COVID-19 response Corps,  through which the Life Scholars Photovoice Study emerged, as well as the Life Scholars Fellowship.   Through a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation grant, she and the CHJ community-engaged teaching team launched the Health Justice Speaker's Bureau and Community Course Alignment an effort to align SPH academic courses with community-based organization (CBO) needs. She also brings community-engaged research expertise to her role in the Community Engagement and Collaboration Core in the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences.  She is a long time member of Radical Public Health, a student-driven movement to address root causes of health injustices, who co-developed the course IPHS 430: Epidemics of Injustice.

Selected Publications

Hebert‐Beirne, J., Kim, S., Forst, L., Kapadia, G., Grant, A., Velonis, A., … & Stiehl, E. (2024). Building a More Resilient, Inclusive Public Health Infrastructure: Insights From Chicago’s Community‐Based COVID‐19 Corps. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management.

Kersten, M., Avelar, S., Montgomery, A., Castañeda, D., & Hebert-Beirne, J. (2024). Methodological Insights About Photovoice as a Pedagogical Tool From Implementation With Graduate Students as Co-Researcher-Participants. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 23733799241287205.

Ford, T. N., Ibe-Lamberts, K., Edmond, S., Abrams, I., Chaudhry, A., Daniels, P., Hebert-Beirne … & Shaw, B. A. (2024). Challenges and Opportunities for Participatory Evaluation of Local Public Health Efforts to Address Structural Racism and Advance Health Equity. Journal of Participatory Research Methods5(2).

Chaudhry, A., Hebert-Beirne, J., Alessi, E. J., Khuzam, M. Z., Mitchell, U., Molina, Y., … & Abboud, S. (2024). Exploring the Health Impact of Intersectional Minority Identity Stressors on Arab Sexual Minority Women Migrants to the United States. Qualitative Health Research, 10497323241265288.

Bonney, T., Rospenda, K. M., Chaudry, A., Forst, L., Conroy, L. M., Holloway, A., … & Hebert-Beirne, J. (2023). The Nature of Employment in a High Socio-economic Hardship Community: Data from the Greater Lawndale Healthy Work Survey. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 10-1097.

Hebert-Beirne, J., Gonzalez, S., Chrusfield, M., Holloway, A., Lopez, J. P., & Castañeda, D. (2023). Demystifying How Academic-Community Partnerships Use Reflexivity and Praxis to Promote Participatory Research Principles of Equity and Justice. In Ethical Issues in Community and Patient Stakeholder–Engaged Health Research (pp. 65-79). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

James, A, Jesse Nodora, Julia Maki, Bernard L Harlow, Lisa Kane Low, Tamera Coyne-Beasley, Shayna D. Cunningham, Ayah El-Fahmawi, Heather Klusaritz, Terri H. Lipman, Melissa Simon, Hebert-Beirne, J. Building Community Engagement (CE) capacity in a transdisciplinary, population level clinical research study. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship. In Press. Accepted Dec 1, 2023.

Klusaritz, Heather, Julia Maki, Elise Levin, Amy Ayala, Jesse Nodora, Tamera Coyne‐Beasley, Jeni Hebert‐Beirne et al. “A community‐engaged approach to the design of a population‐based prospective cohort study to promote bladder health.” Neurourology and Urodynamics 42, no. 5 (2023): 1068-1078.

Grant, A., Hebert‐Beirne, J., Lofton, S., Floyd, B., Stiehl, E., & Kim, S. (2023). Actualising power sharing in community‐led initiatives: Insights from community‐based organisation leaders in Chicago, USA. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management.

Grant, A. K., Felner, J. K., Castañeda, Y., Pratap, P., & Hebert-Beirne, J. (2023). Leveraging Key Informant Interviews to Inform Intervention Development: The Greater Lawndale Healthy Work Project. Community Health Equity Research & Policy, 2752535X231196395

Velonis, A. J., Howes, E., Altmayer, K., Alemzadeh, S., Forst, L., & Hebert-Beirne, J. (2023). Building leadership through partnerships: using concept mapping to develop community capacity to address gender-based violence. Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action, 17(1), 51-62.

Bonney, T., Rospenda, K. M., Forst, L., Conroy, L. M., Castañeda, D., Avelar, S., … & Hebert-Beirne, J. (2022). Employment precarity and increased risk of hazardous occupational exposures among residents of high socioeconomic hardship neighborhoods. Annals of work exposures and health, 66(9), 1122-1135.

Hebert-Beirne, J,  Jennifer K. Felner, PhD, MPH, Teresa Berumen, Sylvia Gonzalez, MPH, Melissa Mosley Chrusfield, Preethi Pratap, PhD, MSc and Lorraine M. Conroy, ScD CIH. Community Resident Perceptions of, and Experiences with, Precarious Work at the Neighborhood Level: The Greater Lawndale Healthy Work Project.

Hebert-Beirne J, Camenga DR, James AS, Brady SS Newman DK, Burgio KL, Kane Low L, Hardacker CT, Gahagan, S, Williams BR. Social Processes Informing Toileting Behavior among Adolescent and Adult Women: Social Cognitive Theory as an Interpretative Lens. Qualitative Health Research, Nov, 2020.

Forst, L, Grant, A, Hebert‐Beirne, J. Work as a social determinant of health; a landscape assessment of employers in two historically disinvested urban communities. Am J Ind Med. 2020; 1‐ 9.

Hardacker CT, Baccellieri A, Mueller ER, Brubaker L, Hutchins G, Zhang JLY, Hebert-Beirne, J. Bladder Health Experiences, Perceptions and Knowledge of Sexual and Gender Minorities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Aug 30;16(17).

Velonis AJ, Hebert-Beirne J, Conroy LM, Hernandez M, Castaneda D, Forst L. Impact of precarious work on neighborhood health: Concept mapping by a community/academic partnership. Am J Ind Med. 2020 Jan;63(1):23-35.. Epub 2019 Oct 15.

Hebert-Beirne, J, Low LK, Burgio KL, Hardacker CT, Camenga DR, James AS, Newman DK, Rudser K, and Nodora J. Novel (Multilevel) Focus Group Training for a Transdisciplinary Research Consortium. Health Promotion Practice, (October 2019).

Hebert-Beirne, J., Felner, J.K., Kennelly, J., Eldeirawi, K., Mayer, A., Alexander, S., Castaneda,Y., Castaneda, D., Persky, V., Chavez, N., & Birman, D. (2017) Partner Development Praxis: The Use of Transformative Communication Spaces in a Community Academic Participatory Action Research Effort in a Mexican Ethnic Enclave in Chicago. Action Research. ^†*

Hernandez, S. G., Genkova, A., Castañeda, Y., Alexander, S., & Hebert-Beirne, J. (2017). Oral Histories as Critical Qualitative Inquiry in Community Health Assessment. Health Education & Behavior, 44(5):705-715. . PubMed PMID: 28892652. 2014 Chicago Consortium for Community Engagement (C3) Building Health Equity throughout Chicago through Community Engaged Research Conference, Poster Competition Steve Whitman Award for Excellence.

Service to Community

Research, Teaching and Practice Awards and Honors

2004 Health Promotion Practice "Best Practice Paper of the Year” Award from Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)

2007 Lynda Birklebach Award University of Illinois Chicago Scholarship Association, Scholarship Award.

2007 Award of Appreciation for Engaged Scholarship. Family Learning Center, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School. (Dissertation research)

2008 Alan W. Donaldson Award, honoring one student annually for academic excellence, leadership and community service

2009 and 2010 Community Partnership Award, Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School

2010-2011 Bernard Baum Golden Apple Award Winner for Excellence in Teaching

2011-2012 Bernard Baum Golden Apple Award Winner for Excellence in Teaching

2011 Aetna Susan B. Anthony Award for Excellence in Research on Older Women and Public Health, American Public Health Association.

2013-2014 Bernard Baum Golden Apple Award Winner for Excellence in Teaching

2013, 2015 University of Illinois at Chicago Healthy City Collaborative. Featured Researcher

2014 Chicago Consortium for Community Engagement, Building Health Equity throughout Chicago through Community Engaged Research Conference, Poster Competition Steve Whitman Award for Excellence.

2014 Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy (IRRPP) Grant Scholar. Little Village Participatory Community Health Assessment.

2015-2016 UIC Teaching Recognition Program (TRP) Award

2016 Midwest Minority Health Symposium Health Equity Champion Award

2016 UIC SPH Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award

2016 Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy (IRRPP) Social and Policy Engagement Fellow.

2017 Abstract of Distinction Award. Brady, S. S., Bavendam, T., Berry, A., Fok, C. S., Gahagan, S., Goode, P. S., Hardacker, C. T., Harlow, B. L., Hebert-Beirne, J., Lewis, C. E., Lewis, J. B., Kane Low, L., Lowder, J. L., Lukacz, E. S., & Palmer, M. The Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) in girls and women: Developing a prevention research agenda and conceptual framework. Society for Prevention Research, Washington, D.C.

2018 University of Illinois Economic Development & Innovation, International Travel Award.

2018 Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy Annual Report. Featured Researcher

2019 Lambda Chapter of Delta Omega, the national public health honor society.

2021 UIC Teaching Excellence Award

2021 Delta Omega Innovative Curriculum Award, in collaboration with Dolores Castañeda for CHCS 584 Community Organizing/ Community-based Participatory Research

2021 Association for Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) Excellence in Practice Award

2023 Chicago United for Equity Fellow

2023 UIC Community Engagement Award

Course Development

ChiTracing Citizen Scientist Certificate Program (co-developed with ChiTracing team)

IPHS 493 Epidemics of Injustice: Understanding History to Fight for a Liberated Future (co-developed with Radical Public Health)

CHSC 421 Community Health 1: Assessing, Promoting and Improving Community Health

IPHS 401 Determinants of Health

Qualitative Research Training Modules You Tube Channel

Ohio State University, Summer Program Qualitative Health Research, Intro and Advanced

Racism and Health Inequities Course (co-developed with Radical Public Health)

Professional Leadership

Engaging Communities and Building Sustainable Partnerships Subcommittee Member, NIDDK Health Disparities and Health Equity Research Strategic Planning Workgroup

Faculty Liason, UIC Office for Community Collaboration

Notable Honors

2021, Excellence in Practice Award, Association for Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)

2021, Teaching Excellence, UIC

2021, Innovative Curriculum Award, Delta Omega National Public Health Honor Society

2016, Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, UIC SPH Alumni Association

2008, Donaldson Award, UIC SPH

2010, 2011, 2013, Golden Apple Teaching Award, UIC SPH

2016, Health Equity Champion, Midwest Minority Health Symposium

2023, UIC Community Engagement Award, UIC

2023, Chicago United for Equity Fellow,


2000-2008 University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health Community Health Sciences Chicago, IL
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Health, Maternal and Child Health
Dissertation Title: Adolescent Mothers' Perspectives of the Urban Safety Net System: the Role of Identity, Trust and Place
• Recipient, 2008 Alan W. Donaldson Award, honoring one student annually for academic excellence, leadership and community service

1992-1995 University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health Community Health Sciences Chicago, IL
Master’s in Public Health (MPH)
Dual Concentration: Maternal and Child Health, and Health Education and Health Promotion
Master’s Thesis: Asthma Mortality among African American Men in Chicago
• Public Health Student Association Officer

1987-1991 Boston College, College of Arts and Sciences Chestnut Hill, MA
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Sociology/ Sociology Honors Program
Honor’s Thesis: The Death and Life of an Urban Maternity Hospital: St. Margaret’s Hospital for Women
• Alpha Kappa Delta, Sociology Honors Society

Research Currently in Progress

2020-2025             Site-Principal Investigator (PI), Prevention of Lower Urinary Symptoms, Sexual Gender Minority Focus    Group Study. National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), Sexual Gender Minority Research Office (SGMRO), Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH), Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research (OBSSR). (MPI: Brubaker/Mueller)

2021-2026             Principal Investigator (PI), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Total Worker Health UIC Center for Healthy Work. The Greater Lawndale Heathy Work Project

2022-2027              Co-Investigator (Co-I) NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Community Engagement Core (COEC) Chicago Center for Health and Environment (CACHET)

2022-2023             Co-Principal Investigator. Chicago Chicago Community Health Response Corps, the city of Chicago's community-based COVID-19 response Corps.

2021-2023              Principal Investigator (PI). MacArthur Foundation. Strengthening the Public Health Infrastructure for Chicago Communities. Two complementary efforts to build capacity at the neighborhood level by (a) building research leadership of Chicago youth, and (b) repositioning academic knowledge to directly support CBOs to lead healing, rebuilding public health efforts: Reciprocal Technical Assistance with CBO Partners toward a More Responsive Local Public Health System & Youth Citizen Science Program: Unlearning Knowledge Hierarchies for Action.

Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits

UIC CHRC Corp's Life Scholar's Photovoice Study

Center for Healthy Work, Greater Lawndale Healthy Work Project, Greater Lawndale Loteria:  A Worker-Justice Themed Game

Chicago Center for Health and the Environment (CACHET) Calumet Connect Databook

Chicago Center for Health and the Environment (CACHET) Story Project Voices from the Southeast Side: A Partnership with StoryCorps

Collaboratory for Health Justice Citizen Scientist Certificate Programs 

SPH-Radical Public Health's Epidemics of Injustice Course

David J. Spencer CDC Museum Exhibit Health is a Human Right Promoting Worker Health: The Greater Lawndale Loteria